Anniversary Gifts for Year 12
Alright, let’s dive right into year 12. Remember when you first met,
and falling felt like a miracle? Plunging in meant everything, and getting your feet wet was just the beginning. This year, reminisce on that time in your life. You hear about those couples who never stop feeling crazy about each other, but few of us are actually lucky enough to experience that type of relationship. For the majority, love takes work, and the shine fades eventually. Looking back can still give us warm fuzzies, though, so try it out. Re-enact your first date, or visit the place where he proposed. Capture a few memories and make some new ones. Here are a few gift ideas to take along with you as you wander down memory lane...
Peonies for a Fortunate Couple
The traditional 12th anniversary flower is the peony. This is a voluptuous bloom that comes in an array of colors. The peony represents riches and honor, and is considered a good omen of fortune and a happy marriage. If you feel that you are a fortunate gentleman for having her hand in life, tell her so with a bouquet of peonies. Remember to point out the symbolism to make it extra special for her.
Visit the Disco... or China?
Traditional 12th anniversary gifts are made from silk. If he’s into disco, buy him a silk shirt, and hit the dance floor. Take pictures, because images like these should never go away. Put them on a slide show for his birthday, invite friends, point and laugh... Okay, seriously, silk gifts are usually very romantic in nature. Silk sheets, silky lingerie and luxurious robes make fabulous gifts for gals. Silk ties, suits or shirts are typical gifts for guys. A bit of stretch on this, but if you have the means, take a trip to China. Silk originated there, and China is still the world’s leader in silk production. If you are itching to take a trip this year, keep China in mind. Not enough money in the budget? There’s always the disco!
Gifts from the Sea
The contemporary 12th anniversary gift is the pearl. Pearl bracelets, earrings or necklaces always add shine to her smile, and her outfit! This Pearl and Crystal Bracelet and Earrings Set from the Jewelry Store at features pale pink pearls perfect for date night or other dressy occasions. How about a pearl snap dress shirt for hubbies who enjoy a western look? Forget disco, go out country swinging, and remember the camera! And here comes another stretch... pearls come from the ocean, so how about a romantic beach trip? Stay in a resort or simply take a picnic. The ocean can be very romantic, so get away for a day or for a week to enjoy the sea.
Pearls of Wisdom
Whether you are jetting off to China, dipping your toes in the ocean or swinging your partner round and round, you’re doing it together; and this is what counts. When your courtship first began, you did lots of new things together, and it probably made you feel close to experience unfamiliar situations as a couple. I suggest dusting off some of those old activities and places that you used to visit to remember the feelings that brought you together in the beginning. I also suggest trying out some new experiences and new locations to make fresh memories. Be proud of your 12 year accomplishment! Falling may have felt like a miracle, but it is the ground that you have gained with both feet firmly planted that is truly stunning.
Alright, let’s dive right into year 12. Remember when you first met,
and falling felt like a miracle? Plunging in meant everything, and getting your feet wet was just the beginning. This year, reminisce on that time in your life. You hear about those couples who never stop feeling crazy about each other, but few of us are actually lucky enough to experience that type of relationship. For the majority, love takes work, and the shine fades eventually. Looking back can still give us warm fuzzies, though, so try it out. Re-enact your first date, or visit the place where he proposed. Capture a few memories and make some new ones. Here are a few gift ideas to take along with you as you wander down memory lane...

The traditional 12th anniversary flower is the peony. This is a voluptuous bloom that comes in an array of colors. The peony represents riches and honor, and is considered a good omen of fortune and a happy marriage. If you feel that you are a fortunate gentleman for having her hand in life, tell her so with a bouquet of peonies. Remember to point out the symbolism to make it extra special for her.
Visit the Disco... or China?
Traditional 12th anniversary gifts are made from silk. If he’s into disco, buy him a silk shirt, and hit the dance floor. Take pictures, because images like these should never go away. Put them on a slide show for his birthday, invite friends, point and laugh... Okay, seriously, silk gifts are usually very romantic in nature. Silk sheets, silky lingerie and luxurious robes make fabulous gifts for gals. Silk ties, suits or shirts are typical gifts for guys. A bit of stretch on this, but if you have the means, take a trip to China. Silk originated there, and China is still the world’s leader in silk production. If you are itching to take a trip this year, keep China in mind. Not enough money in the budget? There’s always the disco!
Gifts from the Sea

Pearls of Wisdom
Whether you are jetting off to China, dipping your toes in the ocean or swinging your partner round and round, you’re doing it together; and this is what counts. When your courtship first began, you did lots of new things together, and it probably made you feel close to experience unfamiliar situations as a couple. I suggest dusting off some of those old activities and places that you used to visit to remember the feelings that brought you together in the beginning. I also suggest trying out some new experiences and new locations to make fresh memories. Be proud of your 12 year accomplishment! Falling may have felt like a miracle, but it is the ground that you have gained with both feet firmly planted that is truly stunning.
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